JS Versions
1. JavaScript
- was invented by Brendan Eich in 1995
- became an ECMA standard in 1997
- ECMA-262 is the official name of the standard
- ECMAScript is the official name of the language
- 一家國際性會員制度的資訊和電信標準組織
- 1994年之前,名為歐洲計算機製造商協會(European Computer Manufacturers Association)
- 1994年之後,因為計算機的國際化,改名Ecma國際(Ecma International)
3. Versions and Important Changes
- ECMAScript 2015 是正式名稱
- ES6 類似暱稱
- ES1 (1997): First Edition.
- ES2 (1998)
- ES3 (1999)
- ES4 (Never released)
- ES5 (2009): Added JSON support / strict mode.
- ES6 (2015): Added classes and modules.
- ES7 (2016): Added exponential operator (**) / Array.prototype.includes.
- ES8 (2017): Added string padding / new Object properies/Async functions / Shared Memory.
- ES9 (2018): Added rest/spread properties / Asynchronous iteration / Promise.finally() / Additions to RegExp.
- More: JS Versions