JS Errors - Throw and Try to Catch
1. Statement Overview
statement | description |
try |
lets you test a block of code for errors. |
catch |
lets you handle the error. |
throw |
lets you create custom errors. |
finally |
lets you execute code, after try and catch, regardless of the result. |
2. try/catch/finally
must be executed- if returned in
block in the same time, returned by finally comes first.
var myFunc = function(){
console.log('myFunc: exec try');
throw new Error();
} catch(e) {
console.log('myFunc: exec catch');
return "Catch";
} finally {
console.log('myFunc: exec finally');
return "Finally";
console.log('myFunc: to be ended.');
return "Done";
var x = myFunc();
console.log('x=', x);
//********* result ***********
//myFunc: exec try
//myFunc: exec catch
//myFunc: exec finally
//x= Finally
var myFunc = function(){
console.log('myFunc: exec try');
throw new Error();
} catch(e) {
console.log('myFunc: exec catch');
return "Catch";
} finally {
console.log('myFunc: exec finally');
//return "Finally";
console.log('myFunc: to be ended.');
return "Done";
var x = myFunc();
console.log('x=', x);
//********* result ***********
//myFunc: exec try
//myFunc: exec catch
//myFunc: exec finally
//x= Catch
3. Throws
mynote: 只要是 throw
,無論 throw 的是 Error 物件或普通變數,都會觸發 catch
(The exception can be a JavaScript String, a Number, a Boolean or an Object:)
// trail code template
throw "Too big"; // throw a text
//throw 500; // throw a number
//throw new Error(); // throw an Error Object
//throw new Error('my error msg');
//throw new Exception(); // Not an defined object
console.log(typeof e);
// case 1: throw "Too big"
console.log(e); // "Too big"
console.log(e.toString()); // "Too big"
console.log(typeof e); // "string"
console.log(e.constructor); // ƒ String() { [native code] }
console.log(e.name); // undefined
console.log(e.message); // undefined
// case 2: throw 500
console.log(e); // 500
console.log(e.toString()); // "500"
console.log(typeof e); // "number"
console.log(e.constructor); // ƒ Number() { [native code] }
console.log(e.name); // undefined
console.log(e.message); // undefined
// case 3: throw new Error()
console.log(e); // Error
// at <anonymous>:4:8
// at run_code (default-source2.js?v=a1:467)
// at HTMLAnchorElement.onclick ((index):219)
console.log(e.toString()); // "Error"
console.log(typeof e); // "object"
console.log(e.constructor); // ƒ Error() { [native code] }
console.log(e.name); // "Error"
console.log(e.message); // ""
// case 4: throw new Error('my error msg')
console.log(e); // Error: my error msg
// at <anonymous>:4:8
// at run_code (default-source2.js?v=a1:467)
// at HTMLAnchorElement.onclick ((index):219)
console.log(e.toString()); // "Error: my error msg"
console.log(typeof e); // "object"
console.log(e.constructor); // ƒ Error() { [native code] }
console.log(e.name); // "Error"
console.log(e.message); // "my error msg"
// case 5: throw new Exception()
console.log(e); // ReferenceError: Exception is not defined
// at <anonymous>:4:2
// at run_code (default-source2.js?v=a1:467)
// at HTMLAnchorElement.onclick ((index):219)
console.log(e.toString()); // "ReferenceError: Exception is not defined"
console.log(typeof e); // "object"
console.log(e.constructor); // ƒ ReferenceError() { [native code] }
console.log(e.name); // "ReferenceError"
console.log(e.message); // "Exception is not defined"
4. Error Objects
JavaScript will actually create an Error object with two properties: name and message.
Six different values can be returned by the error name property:
Error Name | Description |
EvalError | An error has occurred in the eval() function |
RangeError | A number "out of range" has occurred |
ReferenceError | An illegal reference has occurred |
SyntaxError | A syntax error has occurred |
TypeError | A type error has occurred |
URIError | An error in encodeURI() has occurred |
4.1. 1. EvalError
Newer versions of JavaScript does not throw any
. UseSyntaxError
4.2. 2. RangeError
e.g. num.toPrecision(500);
4.3. 3. Reference Error
e.g. A variable that has not been declared:
4.4. 4. Syntax Error
e.g. eval("alert('Hello)");
4.5. 5. Type Error
If you use a value that is outside the range of expected types:
e.g. num.toUpperCase();
4.6. 6. URI Error
Use illegal characters in a URI function
e.g. decodeURI("%%%");
5. Non-Standard Error Object Properties
Mozilla and Microsoft defines some non-standard error object properties.
Do not use these properties in public web sites. They will not work in all browsers.