String API

Complete JavaScript String Reference

1. Note

  • 基本上 method 的回傳結果都是一個新的字串,不會影響到原字串 (即使是 replace() )

    All string methods return a new string. They don't modify the original string. Formally said: Strings are immutable: Strings cannot be changed, only replaced.

2. Basic

2.1. length

console.log(txt.length); //26

2.2. String() (Global)

convert to string

2.3. trim()

var str = "   Hello  World ";
console.log(`str=[${str}]`);  // "str=[   Hello  World ]"
console.log(`str=[${str.trim()}]`); // "str=[Hello  World]"

3. Search string position

3.1. indexOf()

3.2. lastIndexOf()

var str = "Please locate where 'locate' occurs!";
console.log( str.indexOf("locate") ); //7
console.log( str.lastIndexOf("locate") ); //21

//return -1 if the text is not found.
console.log( str.indexOf("abc") ); //-1
console.log( str.lastIndexOf("abc") ); //-1

//Both methods accept a second parameter as the starting position for the search:
console.log( str.indexOf("locate", 10) ); //21 (start at [10] and forward)
console.log( str.lastIndexOf("locate", 10) ); //7 (start at [10] and backward)

search() 和 indexOf() 很像,差別在於 search() 不能設起始位置的參數,但可以支援正規表示式

console.log("locate") ); //7

4. Extract string

4.1. slice()

slice(startIndex, endIndex)

  1. The character at endIndex is NOT included.
  2. No matter positive or negative, endIndex must be greater then startIndex
  3. Positive and negative cannot be used in the same time
var str = "Apple,Banana,Kiwi";

console.log( str.slice(0) ); //"Apple,Banana,Kiwi"
console.log( str.slice(7) ); //"anana,Kiwi"
console.log( str.slice(6, 12) ); //"Banana"
console.log( str.slice(6, 6) ); //""

console.log( str.slice(-10) ); //"anana,Kiwi"
console.log( str.slice(-2, -1) ); //"w"
console.log( str.slice(-12, -6) ); //",Banan"
console.log( str.slice(-2, -1) ); //"w"

console.log( str.slice(12, 1) ); //""
console.log( str.slice(-1, -10) ); //""
console.log( str.slice(-1, 1) ); //""

4.2. substring()

substring(startIndex, endIndex)

endIndex 不含

substring() 和 slice() 很像,差別在:

  1. substring() 不接受負數的參數 (不會 exception,但擷取字串的功能不會正常運作)
  2. substring() 能處理 endIndex 小於 startIndex 的情況
var str = "Apple,Banana,Kiwi";

console.log( str.substring(0) ); //"Apple,Banana,Kiwi"
console.log( str.substring(7) ); //"anana,Kiwi"
console.log( str.substring(6, 12) ); //"Banana"
console.log( str.substring(6, 6) ); //""

console.log( str.substring(-10) ); //"Apple,Banana,Kiwi" (extracting not work)
console.log( str.substring(-12, -6) ); //"" (extracting not work)

console.log( str.substring(12, 1) ); //"pple,Banana"

4.3. substr()

substr(startIndex, length)

length 不能處理負數

//substr(startIndex, length)

var str = "Apple,Banana,Kiwi";

console.log( str.substr(0) ); //"Apple,Banana,Kiwi"
console.log( str.substr(7) ); //"anana,Kiwi"
console.log( str.substr(6, 1) ); //"B"
console.log( str.substr(6, 12) ); //"Banana,Kiwi"

console.log( str.substr(-10) ); //"anana,Kiwi"
console.log( str.substring(6, -3) ); //"Apple,"
console.log( str.substring(7, -3) ); //"Apple,B"

5. Extract characters

  • Safe methods for extracting string characters: charAt(), charCodeAt()
  • Accessing a String as an Array is Unsafe and Unpredictable
      1. It does not work in all browsers (not in IE5, IE6, IE7)
      1. It makes strings look like arrays (but they are not)
      1. str[0] = "H" does not give an error (but does not work)
  • If you want to read a string as an array, convert it to an array first.
var str = "HELLO WORLD";
console.log( str[0] );  //"H"
str[0] = "C"; // not work
console.log( str ); //"HELLO WORLD"

5.1. charAt()

5.2. charCodeAt()

var str = "HELLO WORLD";
console.log( str.charAt(0) ); // "H"
console.log( str.charAt(-1) );  // ""
console.log( str.charAt(100) );  // ""

console.log( str.charCodeAt(0) );  //72
console.log( str.charCodeAt(-1) );  //NaN
console.log( str.charCodeAt(100) );  //NaN

6. Replace string

6.1. replace()

replace(searchStr, newStr)

By default:

  1. Replaces only the first match
  2. Case sensitive
//By default
var str = "I'm Bond. James Bond.";
var n = str.replace("Bond", "Hunt");
console.log( str ); //"I'm Bond. James Bond."
console.log( n ); //"I'm Hunt. James Bond."
console.log( str.replace("bOnD", "Hunt") ); //"I'm Bond. James Bond."

//To replace all matches, use a regular expression with a /g flag (global match):
console.log( str.replace(/Bond/g, "Hunt") ); //"I'm Hunt. James Hunt."

//To replace case insensitive, use a regular expression with an /i flag (insensitive):
console.log( str.replace(/bOnD/i, "Hunt") ); //"I'm Hunt. James Bond."
console.log( str.replace(/bOnD/ig, "Hunt") ); //"I'm Hunt. James Hunt."

7. Upper and Lower Case

7.1. toUpperCase()

7.2. toLowerCase()

var txt = "Hello World!";
console.log( txt.toUpperCase() ); //"HELLO WORLD!"
console.log( txt.toLowerCase() ); //"hello world!"

8. Concat string

8.1. concat()

The same function as plus the operator(+).

console.log( "Hello" + " " + "World!" ); //"Hello World!"
console.log( "Hello".concat(" ", "World!") ); //"Hello World!"

9. String to Array

9.1. split()

var txt = "a,b,c,d,e";
console.log( txt.split(",") ); // => ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"] (Array, length=5)
console.log( txt.split(" ") ); // => ["a,b,c,d,e"] (Array, length=1)
console.log( txt.split("") );  // => ["a", ",", "b", ",", "c", ",", "d", ",", "e"] (Array, length=9)

10. Format String

10.1. Example for 特定長度補 0

Ref: [JavaScript] 替數字、文字在特定長度中補0

function paddingLeft(str,lenght){
  str = '' + str; //改良,以防丟進來的是數字不是字串 (如果是數字: str.length= undefined)
  if(str.length >= lenght)
  return str;
  return paddingLeft("0" +str,lenght);

function paddingRight(str,lenght){
  str = '' + str; //改良,以防丟進來的是數字不是字串 (如果是數字: str.length= undefined)
  if(str.length >= lenght)
  return str;
  return paddingRight(str+"0",lenght);

results matching ""

    No results matching ""