String API
Complete JavaScript String Reference
1. Note
- 基本上 method 的回傳結果都是一個新的字串,不會影響到原字串 (即使是
)All string methods return a new string. They don't modify the original string. Formally said: Strings are immutable: Strings cannot be changed, only replaced.
2. Basic
2.1. length
console.log(txt.length); //26
2.2. String() (Global)
convert to string
2.3. trim()
var str = " Hello World ";
console.log(`str=[${str}]`); // "str=[ Hello World ]"
console.log(`str=[${str.trim()}]`); // "str=[Hello World]"
3. Search string position
3.1. indexOf()
3.2. lastIndexOf()
var str = "Please locate where 'locate' occurs!";
console.log( str.indexOf("locate") ); //7
console.log( str.lastIndexOf("locate") ); //21
//return -1 if the text is not found.
console.log( str.indexOf("abc") ); //-1
console.log( str.lastIndexOf("abc") ); //-1
//Both methods accept a second parameter as the starting position for the search:
console.log( str.indexOf("locate", 10) ); //21 (start at [10] and forward)
console.log( str.lastIndexOf("locate", 10) ); //7 (start at [10] and backward)
3.3. search()
search() 和 indexOf() 很像,差別在於 search() 不能設起始位置的參數,但可以支援正規表示式
console.log("locate") ); //7
4. Extract string
4.1. slice()
slice(startIndex, endIndex)
- The character at
is NOT included.- No matter positive or negative,
must be greater thenstartIndex
- Positive and negative cannot be used in the same time
var str = "Apple,Banana,Kiwi";
console.log( str.slice(0) ); //"Apple,Banana,Kiwi"
console.log( str.slice(7) ); //"anana,Kiwi"
console.log( str.slice(6, 12) ); //"Banana"
console.log( str.slice(6, 6) ); //""
console.log( str.slice(-10) ); //"anana,Kiwi"
console.log( str.slice(-2, -1) ); //"w"
console.log( str.slice(-12, -6) ); //",Banan"
console.log( str.slice(-2, -1) ); //"w"
console.log( str.slice(12, 1) ); //""
console.log( str.slice(-1, -10) ); //""
console.log( str.slice(-1, 1) ); //""
4.2. substring()
substring(startIndex, endIndex)
endIndex 不含
substring() 和 slice() 很像,差別在:
- substring() 不接受負數的參數 (不會 exception,但擷取字串的功能不會正常運作)
- substring() 能處理
var str = "Apple,Banana,Kiwi";
console.log( str.substring(0) ); //"Apple,Banana,Kiwi"
console.log( str.substring(7) ); //"anana,Kiwi"
console.log( str.substring(6, 12) ); //"Banana"
console.log( str.substring(6, 6) ); //""
console.log( str.substring(-10) ); //"Apple,Banana,Kiwi" (extracting not work)
console.log( str.substring(-12, -6) ); //"" (extracting not work)
console.log( str.substring(12, 1) ); //"pple,Banana"
4.3. substr()
substr(startIndex, length)
length 不能處理負數
//substr(startIndex, length)
var str = "Apple,Banana,Kiwi";
console.log( str.substr(0) ); //"Apple,Banana,Kiwi"
console.log( str.substr(7) ); //"anana,Kiwi"
console.log( str.substr(6, 1) ); //"B"
console.log( str.substr(6, 12) ); //"Banana,Kiwi"
console.log( str.substr(-10) ); //"anana,Kiwi"
console.log( str.substring(6, -3) ); //"Apple,"
console.log( str.substring(7, -3) ); //"Apple,B"
5. Extract characters
- Safe methods for extracting string characters:
- Accessing a String as an Array is Unsafe and Unpredictable
- It does not work in all browsers (not in IE5, IE6, IE7)
- It makes strings look like arrays (but they are not)
- str[0] = "H" does not give an error (but does not work)
- If you want to read a string as an array, convert it to an array first.
var str = "HELLO WORLD";
console.log( str[0] ); //"H"
str[0] = "C"; // not work
console.log( str ); //"HELLO WORLD"
5.1. charAt()
5.2. charCodeAt()
var str = "HELLO WORLD";
console.log( str.charAt(0) ); // "H"
console.log( str.charAt(-1) ); // ""
console.log( str.charAt(100) ); // ""
console.log( str.charCodeAt(0) ); //72
console.log( str.charCodeAt(-1) ); //NaN
console.log( str.charCodeAt(100) ); //NaN
6. Replace string
6.1. replace()
replace(searchStr, newStr)
By default:
- Replaces only the first match
- Case sensitive
//By default
var str = "I'm Bond. James Bond.";
var n = str.replace("Bond", "Hunt");
console.log( str ); //"I'm Bond. James Bond."
console.log( n ); //"I'm Hunt. James Bond."
console.log( str.replace("bOnD", "Hunt") ); //"I'm Bond. James Bond."
//To replace all matches, use a regular expression with a /g flag (global match):
console.log( str.replace(/Bond/g, "Hunt") ); //"I'm Hunt. James Hunt."
//To replace case insensitive, use a regular expression with an /i flag (insensitive):
console.log( str.replace(/bOnD/i, "Hunt") ); //"I'm Hunt. James Bond."
console.log( str.replace(/bOnD/ig, "Hunt") ); //"I'm Hunt. James Hunt."
7. Upper and Lower Case
7.1. toUpperCase()
7.2. toLowerCase()
var txt = "Hello World!";
console.log( txt.toUpperCase() ); //"HELLO WORLD!"
console.log( txt.toLowerCase() ); //"hello world!"
8. Concat string
8.1. concat()
The same function as plus the operator(+).
console.log( "Hello" + " " + "World!" ); //"Hello World!"
console.log( "Hello".concat(" ", "World!") ); //"Hello World!"
9. String to Array
9.1. split()
var txt = "a,b,c,d,e";
console.log( txt.split(",") ); // => ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"] (Array, length=5)
console.log( txt.split(" ") ); // => ["a,b,c,d,e"] (Array, length=1)
console.log( txt.split("") ); // => ["a", ",", "b", ",", "c", ",", "d", ",", "e"] (Array, length=9)
10. Format String
10.1. Example for 特定長度補 0
Ref: [JavaScript] 替數字、文字在特定長度中補0
function paddingLeft(str,lenght){
str = '' + str; //改良,以防丟進來的是數字不是字串 (如果是數字: str.length= undefined)
if(str.length >= lenght)
return str;
return paddingLeft("0" +str,lenght);
function paddingRight(str,lenght){
str = '' + str; //改良,以防丟進來的是數字不是字串 (如果是數字: str.length= undefined)
if(str.length >= lenght)
return str;
return paddingRight(str+"0",lenght);