1. Online Test Tools

2. Notes

2.1. 1. Function parameters' default values

避免沒有傳參數給 function 導致 expection 的方法是設定參數預設值。


// primitive paramters
function myFunc1(n) {
  n = n === undefined ? 123 : n;


// object paramters
function myFunc2(person) {
  person = person === undefined ? {} : person;
  var name = === undefined ? 'John' :;
  var age = person.age === undefined ? 20 : person.age;
  var weapon = person.weapon === undefined ? {name: 'sword', attack: 99} : person.weapon;

  console.log(name, age, weapon); //Rubio 20 {name: "sword", attack: 99}
myFunc2({name: 'Rubio'});


// primitive paramters
function myFunc1(n = 123){

// object paramters
function myFunc2({name='John', age=20, weapon={name: 'sword', attack: 99}}) {
  console.log(name, age, weapon); //Rubio 20 {name: "sword", attack: 99}
myFunc2({name: 'Rubio'});

Note: ES6 的參數預設值只會判斷是不是 undefined。 如果是 null 或其他想檢查的情境,仍需自己判斷。

2.2. 2. Template Literals

允許將字串實字模板化,嵌入 JS 變數或語法。

var x = "hello";

// ES5
console.log("x=[" + x + "]");
console.log("x=[" + (123+456) + "]");

// ES6

2.3. 3. Multi-line Strings

var str = 'line1'

var str = `line1

mynote: 偏向還是用 ES5 的寫法,避免預期外的奇怪問題。 因為根據多個 online tool 測試轉譯結果,似乎換行會多出 \n 符號,而且會被受縮排的空白影響。

// ES6
var str = `line1

// Convet to ES5
var str = 'line1\n   line2';

2.4. 4. Destructuring Assignment

解構賦值,可以用用簡便的語法,取出陣列或 object 裡對應位置的值。

Array destructuring

1. Basic assignment and assigning the rest
var [a, b] = [10, 20];
console.log(a); // 10
console.log(b); // 20

var [a, b,] = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50];
console.log(a); // 10
console.log(b); // 20
console.log(rest); // [30, 40, 50]

var ary = ['apple', 'banana', 'car', 'dog'];
[a, b,] = ary;
console.log(a); // 'apple'
console.log(b); // 'banana'
console.log(rest); // ['car', 'dog']
2. Ignoring some values


var [a, b] = [1, 2, 3, 4];
console.log(a); // 1
console.log(b); // 2

var [a, , b] = [1, 2, 3, 4];
console.log(a); // 1
console.log(b); // 3

var [a, , , b] = [1, 2, 3, 4];
console.log(a); // 1
console.log(b); // 4

var [, , , , ,] = [1, 2, 3, 4]; // ignore all
3. Default values

當對應的元素是 undefined 時會使用預設值

var [a=5, b=7] = [1];
console.log(a); // 1
console.log(b); // 7
4. Swapping variables


var a = 1;
var b = 3;

[a, b] = [b, a];
console.log(a); // 3
console.log(b); // 1
5. Parsing an array returned from a function
function f() {
  return [1, 2];

var [a, b] = f();
console.log(a); // 1
console.log(b); // 2
var url = '';

var parsedURL = /^(\w+)\:\/\/([^\/]+)\/(.*)$/.exec(url);
console.log(parsedURL); // ["", "https", "", "en-US/Web/JavaScript"]

var [, protocol, fullhost, fullpath] = parsedURL;

console.log(protocol); // "https"

Object destructuring

1. Basic assignment and Assigning to new variable names

冒號前面是原 key 值,後面是新宣告的變數名

var { name: n, age: a } = { name: 'John', age: 20 };
console.log(n); // 'John'
console.log(a); // 20

var { name: name, age: age } = { name: 'John', age: 20 };
console.log(name); // 'John'
console.log(age); // 20

var { name, age } = { name: 'John', age: 20 };
console.log(name); // 'John'
console.log(age); // 20

({ name, age } = { name: 'Rubio', age: 18 }); // Note: For this syntax `(` and `)` is necessary, or SyntaxError
console.log(name); // 'Rubio'
console.log(age); // 18

let {a, b,} = {a: 10, b: 20, c: 30, d: 40}
console.log(a); // 10
console.log(b); // 20
console.log(rest); // { c: 30, d: 40 }
2. Default values

當對應的元素是 undefined 時會使用預設值

var { name='John', age=20 } = { name: 'Rubio' };
console.log(name); // 'Rubio'
console.log(age); // 20

var { name: n = 'John', age: a = 20 } = { name: 'Rubio' };
console.log(n); // 'Rubio'
console.log(a); // 20
3. Nested object and array destructuring


var person = {
    name: 'John',
    weapon: {
        name: 'Sword',
        attack: 99
        { name: 'Herb', price: 5},
        { name: 'Ruby', price: 20000},
var {name: hero, weapon: { attack: atk }, items: [, {name: present}]  } = person;
console.log(hero); // 'John'
console.log(atk); // 99
console.log(present); // 'Ruby'
4. For of iteration and destructuring


var heroes = [
    name: 'John',
    weapon: {
        name: 'Sword',
        attack: 99
    name: 'Arthur',
    weapon: {
        name: 'Bow',
        attack: 70

for (var {name: n, weapon: {attack: atk}} of heroes) {
  console.log('Name: ' + n + ', Attack: ' + atk);

// =========== Result:
// Name: John, Attack: 99
// Name: Arthur, Attack: 70
5. 應用: 從函式參數的物件中快速提出某屬性的值
function atkValue({weapon: {attack: atk}}) {
  return atk;

var person = {
    name: 'John',
    weapon: {
        name: 'Sword',
        attack: 99

console.log('Attack Value:: ' + atkValue(person)); // "Attack Value:: 99"
6. Computed object property names and destructuring

以物件演算屬性名稱解構 (物件演算屬性名稱指——母物件["子物件名稱"]——的表示方式)

let key = 'name';
var {[key]: n} = { name: 'John' };
console.log(n); // 'John'
7. Invalid JavaScript identifier as a property name

利用解構的寫法取得不合格的 JS 識別名稱

const foo = { 'fizz-buzz': true };
const { 'fizz-buzz': fizzBuzz } = foo;
console.log(fizzBuzz); // "true"

2.5. 5. Object Literals

提供 Object 定義的縮寫語法

function getHero(name, weapon, career) {
  return {
    // property value shorthand syntax
    name, // same as name: name

    // computed values now work with object literals
    ['be' + career]: true,

    // Method definition shorthand syntax omits `function` keyword & colon
    // Note: 這樣寫的效果會是 regular function,而非 arrow function
    doAttack() {
      console.log(`Use ${}! HP -${weapon.attack}`);
let hero = getHero('John', {name: 'Sword', attack: 99}, "Warrior");
hero.doAttack(); // "Use Sword! HP -99"

2.6. 6. Arrow Functions


  • Arrow function expression,或稱 fat arrow function,最初在 coffeescript 的語法中流行。
  • Arrow function 不是單純語法簡化而已,也會對 function 實際運作多了些限制或改變。

Usage Note:

  1. Arrow functions must be defined before they are used.
  2. Using const is safer than using var, because a function expression is a constant value.
  3. 原則上似乎可以避免使用 function 關鍵字去宣告,如果在物件裡需要用到 Regular function 的效果,可用 Object literals 寫法 (但還是要視乎使用情境)

Syxtax Examples:

// basic arrow function expression
var myFunc = (n1 ,n2) => {
  return n1 + n2;

// if only a return statement, omit return and {}
var myFunc = (n1, n2) => n1 + n2;

// if only one parameter, () can be omitted
var myFunc = x => { console.log(x) };

// if no parameter, () is necessary
var myFunc = () => { console.log(123) };

About arguments

arguments object - no longer bound with arrow function 不能使用 arguments,讓 function 使用上更嚴謹。

const getSum = function (n1, n2, n3) {
    console.log(arguments); // [100, 200, 300]
    return n1 + n2 + n3;
console.log( getSum(100, 200, 300) ); //600

const getSumArrow = (n1, n2, n3) => {
    //console.log(arguments); // it will occur ReferenceError: arguments is not defined
    return n1 + n2 + n3;
console.log( getSumArrow(100, 200, 300) ); //600

About this

this keyword - no longer bound 對 this 的效果會有影響,根據 obj.method() 判斷當前 this 是誰的公式在 arrow function 不適用。 如果用的是 arrow function,不會再產生一個 this 引用物件,當前 this 會是上一個 this 物件。

Example 1: With Regular function

const hero = {
    name: 'Soar',
    weapons: ['Sword', 'Bow', 'Axe'],
    printArmedWeapon: function(){
        const me = this;
            console.log(`Hero ${} got weapon ${el}`); // here, `this` means `hero.weapons`, instead of `hero`

// Result:
// Hero Soar got weapon Sword
// Hero Soar got weapon Bow
// Hero Soar got weapon Axe

Example 2: With Arrow function

const hero = {
    name: 'Soar',
    weapons: ['Sword', 'Bow', 'Axe'],
    printArmedWeapon: function(){   // arrow function
        this.weapons.forEach((el) => {
            console.log(`Hero ${} got weapon ${el}`); // `this` not bound the `forEach()`

// Result:
// Hero Soar got weapon Sword
// Hero Soar got weapon Bow
// Hero Soar got weapon Axe

Example 3: With Arrow function further

const hero = {
    name: 'Soar',
    weapons: ['Sword', 'Bow', 'Axe'],
    printArmedWeapon: () => {  // arrow function
        this.weapons.forEach((el) => {
            console.log(`Hero ${} got weapon ${el}`);

// TypeError: Cannot read property 'forEach' of undefined

Example 4: With Object literals

是 regaular function 的效果

const hero = {
    name: 'Soar',
    weapons: ['Sword', 'Bow', 'Axe'],
    printArmedWeapon() { // Object literals
        this.weapons.forEach((el) => {
            console.log(`Hero ${} got weapon ${el}`);

// Result:
// Hero Soar got weapon Sword
// Hero Soar got weapon Bow
// Hero Soar got weapon Axe

Example 5: Another Example

const multyplier = {
    numbers: [2, 3, 4],
    //multiplyBy(){ return 2},
    multiplyBy: () => 2,
        return => x * this.multiplyBy());
console.log( multyplier.multiply() ); //[4,6,8]

2.7. 7. Promises



.then(function (posts) {
  // ...
  // ...

2.8. 8. Let & Const, Block-Scoped


  • let 只會在目前的 { } 內有效,而且同一個 block 內不能重覆定義(即使另一個是用var),會 throw Error 提示

    • 但一個 block 內的小 block 允許再定義同名的變數
  • constlet 一樣 (只會在目前的 { } 內有效 + 不能重複定義),另外多了:

    1. 定義時必須 initialize
    2. 後續不能更改
  • 應避免使用 var,改用 constlet


   var x = 10;
   var x = 2;
console.log(x); // 2
var x = 10;
   let x = 2;
console.log(x); // 10
let x = 10;
   let x = 2;
console.log(x); // 10
   let x = 10;
console.log(x); // ReferenceError: x is not defined
   var x = 10;
   let x = 2; // SyntaxError: Identifier 'x' has already been declared


const x; // SyntaxError: Missing initializer in const declaration
const x = 10;
const x = 10; // SyntaxError: Identifier 'x' has already been declared
const x = 10;
x = 20; // TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.
    const x = 10;
console.log(x); // ReferenceError: x is not defined

Block Level Scope

  • Function scope 也是一種比較大的 Block scope
  • 一份檔案算一種更大的 Block scope,但不等於 Global scope (In HTML, the global scope is the window object)
  • var vs let vs const
    1. var 可以當 function scope/global scope
    2. let & const 可以是 block scope/function scope,無法用作 global scope (無法在 function 內用 thiswindow 呼叫)
let n4 = "Soar";

function myFunc3(){
    console.log("myFunc3(): typeof n4=", typeof n4, " value=", n4);
    console.log("myFunc3(): typeof this.n4=", typeof this.n4, " value=", this.n4);
    console.log("myFunc3(): typeof window.n4=", typeof window.n4, " value=", window.n4);

// Result:
// myFunc3(): typeof n4= string  value= Soar
// myFunc3(): typeof this.n4= undefined  value= undefined
// myFunc3(): typeof window.n4= undefined  value= undefined

2.9. 9. Classes


運用 prototype 和 function 實用出類似具有 inheritance 結構的的類別(和傳統 java, python 的類別有差別)

Simple Example:

class Drink {
    constructor(name = 'water', price = 1) { = name;
        this.price = price;
    generateTag() {
        return `${}, Price is ${this.price}`;
class RedTea extends Drink {
        super('RedTea', 35);
    generateTag() {
        console.log('Thank you!');

let drink1 = new RedTea();
console.log(drink1); // will print with object format, instead of calling toString()
console.log('' + drink1); // // will call toString()

let drink2 = new Drink();

// "RedTea, Price is 35"
// "Thank you!"
// RedTea {name: "RedTea", price: 35}
// "RedTea, Price is 35"
// "RedTea, Price is 35"

// "water, Price is 1"
// Drink {name: "water", price: 1}

2.10. 10. Module

  • 模組化是 Node.js 中最重要的觀念之一,這個觀念讓大規模的 JavaScript 系統成為可能,模組化程設在 JS 流行也是基於此。

  • Node.js 使用的 require() 是屬於 CommonJS 體系,但在 ES6 不用 require ,而使用 import (兩者亦可混合使用)。

  • 在 ES6 出來前,Node.js 或瀏覽器端有各家套件,遵循各自的 module 實作規範

    • Node 遵循 CommonJS (require 只是 Node.js 的一個 private global function;module.exports 也只是 Node.js 的一個 private global variable)
    • requirejs 遵循 AMD
    • seajs 遵循 CMD
  • Node.js 現階段不支援 import & export,需要通過 babel 進行轉譯成 Node.js 的模組化語法。

    • Test with Node.js v10.6.0 -> SyntaxError: Unexpected token export


export 要放在 function 外不然會出錯

Syntax 1: 基本寫法

export var port = 3000
export var person = 'John';
export function add(n1, n2) {
    return n1+n2;

Syntax 2: 可最後一次 export (建議)

var port = 3000
var person = 'John';

export {port, person};

Syntax 3: 可用 `as 改變 import 時的名稱

export {port as p, person as heor};



import {port, person} from './config.js'
console.log(port) // 3000

Syntax 2: 可一次 import

import * as config from './config.js'

Syntax 3: 可用 as 改變 import 後的名稱

import {port as p, person as hero} from './config.js'

Export Default

前面的 export 寫法在 import 時,需要知道該變數名稱才可引用。

為了解決此問題,可使用 export default


export default function () {
  console.log('I'm banana');


import customName from './a.js';//可自行指定名稱
customName(); // 'I'm banana'

在 React 通常會如下運用:

// Component1.js
export default class { ... }

// main.js
import Component1 from './Component1.js'

2.11. 11. spread syntax (展開運算子)

var numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4];
Math.max(...numbers) // 4
Math.min(...numbers) // 1

function myFunc(x, y, z) { console.log(y) }
var args = [0, 1, 2];
myFunc(...args); // same as myFunc(0,1,2)

var ary = ["hello", 123, ...args, "go"];
console.log(ary); // ["hello", 123, 0, 1, 2, "go"]

2.12. 12. Generator

功能:也是用來處理異步函式,讓他順序執行 不一樣的地方在於function後的星號,和yield

function* Fruit() {
  yield 'apple';
  yield 'banana';
  return 'ending';

var a = Fruit();


3. Reference

results matching ""

    No results matching ""